Choose Cedar Wood For Incredible Projects
Cedar is a softwood that has the advantage of being very stable. It is not very permeable to liquids and has natural phenol that preserves it from moisture, decay, and insect damage. Another great trait of Cedar Wood is that it is not prone to expansion, even with temperature changes, twisting, cupping, or cracking.
This softwood is highly valued because it is an excellent base for paints and stains. This makes Cedar easy to work with and reliable in outdoor and indoor applications such as paneling and furniture. Super termite resistant and lightweight.
At Brazilian Lumber, we have all the decking materials, fasteners, accessories, and trims you need for your decking project. We also offer amazing tropical hardwood, composite alternatives, artificial turf & ivy, and interior flooring. Please let us know if you need help locating the instructions or return policies, and we will readily assist you.
Cedar Wood Extra Information
Cedar is a softwood that has the advantage of being very stable. It is not very permeable to liquids and has natural phenol that preserves it from moisture, decay, and insect damage. Another great trait of Cedar Wood is that it is not prone to expansion, even with temperature changes, twisting, cupping, or cracking.
Cedar Wood Technical Information
Common Name(s): Western Redcedar, Western Red Cedar. Scientific Name: Thuja plicata. Tree Size: 165-200 ft (50-60 m) tall, 7-13 ft (2-4 m) trunk diameter. Average Dried Weight: 23 lbs/ft3 (370 kg/m3). Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC): .31, .37. Janka Hardness: 350 lbf (1,560 N). Modulus of Rupture: 7,500 lbf/in2 (51.7 MPa). Elastic Modulus: 1,110,000 lbf/in2 (7.66 GPa). Crushing Strength: 4,560 lbf/in2 (31.4 MPa). Shrinkage: Radial: 2.4%, Tangential: 5.0%, Volumetric: 6.8%, T/R Ratio: 2.1. |
Drying: The drying method depends on the size of the wood. Any wood that is 1″ in width (such as that used for siding) will be kiln-dried. Any lumber over 2″ wide will be air-dried. Pecky Cypress can be bought air-dried or kiln-dried. It requires 6 months of air drying before being kiln-dried. It is essential not to over-dry cypress in the ovens because the outside will dry easily, and the interior will be moisture which causes faster cracking.
Sustainable: Pine overgrows and is thus a very sustainable option. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) does not list Cedar in its appendices. The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN) list Cedar as a species of least concern.
You can buy A&BTR or Clear grade. A&BTR means A and better.
Please call us Please call us for the latest prices. We would be glad to confirm your order and make payment arrangements. Orders can be shipped directly to your home or job site. Please phone or email if you have freight questions. Call for pricing and availability. 1-877-606-3306